Saturday, May 24, 2008

So blah

This is the time of day where I've finally spent all my mommy money. I've got no more mommy money! Check back with me tomorrow, kids. I might have some mommy money left if I would have been paid SOME of the baby money that I was negotiating to get in exchange for more TV time. I got none! Scammed by the best scammer in the house.
best scammer in the house
best snooper " "
best (only) cook " "
best instant coffee maker " "
most consistent chronic cougher and bugbite scratcher 'til it bleeds " "

Ok, I can only take one of these titles. One family member gets two of the awards, but it looks like no human in the house is left a loser. I'll have to reveal what the dogs and cat have won later.

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